Getting Off My Butt .....

Distractions, distractions *....... I work out of town, so I usually have lots of time to piddle around with the computer. However, this weekend my family was visiting, so between taking care of the kids, and paying attention to my wife, I didn't get anything done on this blog. (By the way ..... my wife discovered this blog, so I'm gonna have to tone down some of my more outrageous opinions and rantings. Bummer!) Not, mind you, that being with my family for a few days is something to complain about. Truth be told this silly blog is the distraction; my "real life" consists of time spent with wife and kids. That being said, let's return to the topic of this blog, namely, making money online. I decided I would test the $200-$300 / day "easy" paste and click method being currently pushed by Kevin David, ( - he seems a bit slimy; watch until the end of the video!), and Franklin Hatchett, ( https:...