The Unpardonable Sin

Does unpardonable sin exist ? Is there a behavior or attitude so malevolent that those who acquire it can never return to being a good person? IMHO unpardonable sin does exist, and is simply the inability or refusal to acknowledge that there is an existence beyond our own feeble lives . We are part of a greater whole; the universe does not revolve around us . We are finite, created beings, and to function harmoniously must seek help and guidance outside ourselves. If we do this, then we can live at peace with ourselves and others. Conversely, if we rebel and attempt to make the universe a slave to our will, misery and disaster will inevitably result. The futile attempt to "set ourselves first" gives rise to a desire for power , a never satiated lust that drives those who suffer from it to seek more and more and more of the same, until the inevitable arrival of death. As Mao and Stalin amply demonstrate, Lord Acton was absolutely correct: fixating on pow...