Severe Sleep Apnea

Amongst the aches and pains and other nuisances of being fragilely mortal, I recently got to add a new one: severe sleep apnea.

This latest bad health adventure started about a month ago, when I became extremely dizzy while typing at one of my PCs.  I had stupidly positioned this PC on a small "kiddie desk", and thus had been hunched over it, day after day, for several months.  My neck and upper back were getting stiffer and sorer, and finally one day had decided enough is enough, and rewarded my lack of self-care with a bad case of vertigo

Of course nausea accompanied this vertigo, (try not to feel sick to your stomach when it feels like the room is spinning around you!), so my wife was concerned that I may be having a stroke, as high blood pressure is another bad trait I possess.  We took my blood pressure, and it was awful: 175/105, or something like that.  Yikes!

My wife immediately insisted that she drive me to a nearby medical clinic, and thus began a health odyssey that involved three separate doctor's visits, a trip to a heart specialist, two increases in my blood pressure  medication, a home test kit for the afore mentioned sleep apnea, and finally the diagnosis of severe sleep apnea.  And since we live in the United States, every step of this journey came with a hefty fee.  (If you live in the United States, don't get sick!)

As I was hoping that all my maladies would be traced to the relatively benign source of a few sore muscles, I was disappointed, to say the least.  Why just a few weeks ago, most of my health concerns were centered on a certain pesky virus, and the ridiculous measures we were forced to adopt when going out in public.

What does a future with sleep apnea look like for me?  

Is there a medicine, (a pill), I can take to help keep my body from trying to suffocate itself?

Will I have to sleep attached to damned CPAP machine for the rest of my life?

And finally ..... why the heck am I so fat?  

This post contains affiliate links, which are WAY better than sleep apnea. 


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